Perforated Wall Coverings, United States

HomeHospitality & Design, United StatesPerforated Wall Coverings, United States

Our team is here to help you create perforated wall coverings to take your design to the next level.

When choosing wall coverings, it’s important to keep your local weather patterns and climate conditions in mind. For example, wallpaper has historically not been a wise choice for buildings located on the Gulf Coast of the states, as the high humidity in this area usually caused the wallpaper to peel off or encouraged mold to grow behind the paper.

Perforated Wall Coverings in United States

More recently, designers have figured out a way to prevent both problems—just perforate the wall coverings (in other words, punch them full of tiny holes). Our team at IPS Perforating, Inc. has the right experience to create perforated wall coverings out of any wallpaper or vinyl wall covering, and we encourage you to reach out to us if you are interested in our services.

The big issue with humidity and solid wall coverings was that moisture often became trapped between the wall and the covering. This caused multiple problems, such as making the wall covering bubble or peel off, and more seriously, it created a highly favorable environment for mold growth.

Using perforated wall coverings solves both issues. Since moisture can escape through the perforations, it won’t cause the wallpaper itself to peel away, and the lack of moisture buildup will help prevent mold as well.

We serve clients all over the United States, and we can perforate a wide variety of materials to get them ready for the application you have in mind. For example, if you need perforated wall coverings, just give us a call to find out what we can do for you.

At IPS Perforating, Inc., we offer perforated wall coverings for customers in the United States and Canada.


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