Vinyl wallcovering permeability can help your walls “breathe,” reducing trapped moisture and discouraging mold growth.
Vinyl wallcoverings can be a great option for homes, commercial spaces, hotels, and more, but these types of wallcoverings can also allow vapor moisture to accumulate behind them, especially in more humid climates found in some areas of the United States. The solution to this problem is to choose materials (or alter materials) that have an increased vinyl wallcovering permeability.
At IPS Perforating, Inc., we can help you achieve vinyl wallcovering permeability before any vinyl wallpaper is installed in your property or facility. You can select the product that creates the look you desire, and then send it to us for either visible or invisible perforation. We can help you achieve the stylish outcome you desire while also helping to increase permeability.
Vinyl wallcovering permeability can help your walls “breathe,” reducing trapped moisture and discouraging mold growth. Of course, if you have significant underlying moisture issues, those will need to be addressed before you install any new wallcoverings, but increasing your vinyl wallcovering permeability can often resolve minor moisture challenges.
We can prepare samples for your consideration if you send us a piece of the vinyl wallcovering you are planning to use. We have the experience and equipment needed to provide you with superior results. We also have the ability to complete wide projects up to 102” and over 70 patterns ready to use. We can even create a new, custom pattern of perforation for your needs. Contact us today to discuss your perforation needs and how we can help.
At IPS Perforating, Inc., we can assist with improved vinyl wallcovering permeability for customers in the United States, Canada, and Mexico.